Emma Chu

  • House:


The application data below is copied verbatim from the applicant's application file. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are due to the applicant, not SEC staff.

Three adjectives that best describe me are:

Reliable, Enthusiastic, Open-minded

Involvement at Bayview Glen:

Sr Basketball (9-11), Jr/Sr Volleyball (9-11), Jr/Sr Ultimate Frisbee (9-11), Sr Track&Field (9-11), Round Square IDEALS Italy Trip (11), DECA (9-11), HOSA (9-11), MEDLIFE (10,11), Spanish Club (11)

Involvement outside Bayview Glen:

North Toronto Rep Basketball Team, Meadowbrook Golf Club Junior Member

Leadership roles:

Head of Bear House in SEC (11), Co-Head of HOSA (11), Fundraising Co-Head for MEDLIFE (11), Bayview Glen Basketball Camp Counsellor (10)

Community service:

MEDLIFE SLT Costa Rica Volunteer (10), Student Ambassador(11), BVG Basketball Camp Counsellor (10), BVG Summer Art Camp Volunteer (9), PGA of Canada Championship Golf Tournament Volunteer(9)

Awards, membership(s)/outside of school, etc:

Jr. Female Athlete of the Year(9,10), Basketball MVP(9-11), Volleyball MVP(10), Ultimate Frisbee MVP(9,10), Track Metros(9,10), DECA Provs(10,11), Business(9) and PE(10) Awards Heads Honour Roll(9,10)

Leadership Vision:

As your Co-Head of Council, my vision is to foster a thriving community built on unity and inclusivity where all students feel valued through memorable events and creative initiatives. From my experience as your current Head of Bear, I have learned to collaborate with students in different grades, organize fun activities and build a positive environment through mutual respect. I promise to bring this same level of dedication, compassion and positive energy as your Co-Head of Council. I envision to help lead the student body with integrity, transparency and empathy, ensuring that all relevant ideas, opinions and concerns from all grade levels are heard and welcomed.