Arman Javanmardi

  • House:


The application data below is copied verbatim from the applicant's application file. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are due to the applicant, not SEC staff.

Three adjectives that best describe me are:

Outgoing, Collaborative, Adaptable

Involvement at Bayview Glen:

Soccer team all 3 years at Bayview Co-op program Robotics

Involvement outside Bayview Glen:

Soccer team, Piano, Research program at York, Taught kids science, boxing

Leadership roles:

Soccer Team

Community service:

YMCA teen night organizer

Awards, membership(s)/outside of school, etc:

BVG spirit award

Leadership Vision:

My vision for next year’s student life committee is to organize school-wide events for everyone at Bayview Glen to engage in and have fun with. There will be a variety of activities for students to take part in throughout the year, including things like scavenger hunts, spirit events that offer civvies days to the winning house, and candy grams/snack carts. I will do my best to make these events fun and incentivize my peers to participate. I will also bring forth collaboration, enthusiasm, and a strong work ethic to the Student Executive Council, to make sure to maintain that Bayview Glen spirit and help create unity through the school.