Aryan Vasa

  • House:


The application data below is copied verbatim from the applicant's application file. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are due to the applicant, not SEC staff.

Three adjectives that best describe me are:

Outgoing, compassionate, positive

Involvement at Bayview Glen:

ALT F4 Team Member, DECA (Gr 9 & 10), Green Club Member, Athletics Gr 9: Junior Soccer: Junior D2 Basketball: Track and Field, Gr 10 Athletics: Junior Soccer, Junior D2 Basketball

Involvement outside Bayview Glen:

Social Initiative (@anything.but.alone (Instagram)), Drums, Wharton International Investing Competition, Raised $2000 for Youth Without Shelter charity (YWS)

Leadership roles:

Social Initiative - anything.but.alone, Leader of team international at Wharton competition

Community service:

BVG Guild Shop, service on hurricane island in Maine (built different things for the island and farmed), service on island of Saba in the Caribbean’s, BVG Camp volunteer counselor

Awards, membership(s)/outside of school, etc:

Gr. 9: Heads Honour Role, Business Studies Award. (Gr. 10 not completed yet)

Leadership Vision:

My vision springs beyond just one year at BVG as the Co-Head of Community Outreach. I plan to have traditions instilled in our community to ensure we can help charitable organizations. Bringing in guest speakers to share about their charity and to start a fundraiser for them would be one idea I have in mind. Another idea could be running competitions for the person who can raise the most money. Aside from ideas the reason I want this role and to be a leader of this job is so I can help humans that deserve the exact same opportunity as we have. I have many ideas that I’d like to introduce to the school with the goal in mind to help people understand that we rise by lifting others.