Rohan Sane

  • House:


The application data below is copied verbatim from the applicant's application file. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are due to the applicant, not SEC staff.

Three adjectives that best describe me are:

Approachable, Dedicated, Charismatic

Involvement at Bayview Glen:

DECA (10+), Debate (9+), Model UN/CMUNCE (9+), Volleyball (9+), Badminton (9+), Mock Trial Alternate (11), GII (10), Tennis (10), Curling (10), BVG Players PR (10), and Writers Block Editor (10)

Involvement outside Bayview Glen:

North York FBLA (11), Singing Lesson (10/11), SHAD Dalhousie (10), and Immerse Education International Business Management Summer Programme (9)

Leadership roles:

Head of Business Management/Entrepreneurship DECA (11), Co-Head/Co-Tournament Director Debate Club (11), Co-Head Peer-Editing Project (11), RSIC23 Kenya Delegate (11), and Grade 9 Representative (9)

Community service:

Completed Over 100 Service Hours for Beach Metro Newspaper Delivery (9+), Jump Basketball (10), and Volunteering for Bayview Glen (Peer-Tutoring, Science and Tech Curriculum Night, Open House, etc.)

Awards, membership(s)/outside of school, etc:

8 DECA Regional/Provs Awards (10+), BVG Debate Tournament Winner (10), DECA ICDC ASPIRE Leadership (10), AP Scholar with Honour (10), Highest Runner-up in Immerse International Essay Competition (9)

Leadership Vision:

If elected Co-Head of Council, I aim to work on fostering a stronger sense of community among Upper School students. I truly believe everyone who attends the school is an amazing individual whom we can all learn from, and that we need more communal events to encourage grades to interact with one another and bolster school spirit. In this position, I intend to closely collaborate with faculty, other leaders, and the student body to ensure everyone has what they need to succeed by prioritizing building stronger connections. I look forward to the opportunity to serve the Bayview Glen community for the last time in my senior year and will focus on making it the best year yet!