Aneesa Tejani

  • House:


The application data below is copied verbatim from the applicant's application file. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are due to the applicant, not SEC staff.

Three adjectives that best describe me are:

Organized, Enthusiastic, Innovative

Involvement at Bayview Glen:

Basketball team grades 9, 10, 11 Track team grade 9 Volleyball team grade 10 Member of DECA grades 10 and 11 Member of HOSA grade 9 Co-head of BVG Vogue Lower School Peer Tutor

Involvement outside Bayview Glen:

Competitive squash, elite advanced basketball academy, volunteer at squash tournaments and camps

Leadership roles:

Co-Head of BVG Vogue

Community service:

Bayview Glen PA shop, Bayview Glen Lower school peer tutoring, Volunteer at Squash tournaments and squash camps

Awards, membership(s)/outside of school, etc:

Honor roll

Leadership Vision:

My leadership vision is to create memorable experiences for everyone through events. Throughout my time at Bayview Glen, my most cherished memories have been the people I have met and the time spent together. My goal would be to unite our community, through promoting school spirit and help everyone else make the same connections I have made to make high school a little less stressful. I will do this by coming up with innovative ideas, fun activities and most importantly taking student feedback. Student feedback is very important to me as these events are designed for students so ideas and criticism from students will only help improve future events and help make high school unforgettable.