Jacob Leggio

  • House:


The application data below is copied verbatim from the applicant's application file. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are due to the applicant, not SEC staff.

Three adjectives that best describe me are:

Easygoing, Collaborative, Driven

Involvement at Bayview Glen:

Basketball, Baseball, FRC Robotics

Involvement outside Bayview Glen:

Baseball, Tennis, UofT Forensic Engineering, Camp Counsellor

Leadership roles:

Community service:

B&G Club, H4C Charity

Awards, membership(s)/outside of school, etc:

Bayview Glen Scholarship 2022

Leadership Vision:

As head of Community Outreach, my goal is to incorporate giving back as well as possible into the lives of students. I know that we all have important and busy lives, and what goes on in our communities is often none of our concern. Making simple and subtle ways for students to contribute to the community we live in is something that I believe would benefit all of us. Initiatives to raise money and spread knowledge could be implemented with appealing incentives to create a fun way to give back. Volunteer hours would be made easier to come by so students can get them off their to-do lists. Overall, realistic and effective methods would make giving back to the community so much easier.