Morgan Suess Segal

  • House:


The application data below is copied verbatim from the applicant's application file. Any spelling or grammar mistakes are due to the applicant, not SEC staff.

Three adjectives that best describe me are:

A. Compassionate, B. Leader, C. Driven

Involvement at Bayview Glen:

Track Team (2024); Community Outreach initiative to benefit Sick Kids in Prep School (2023); Peer tutoring (2024); Student Ambassador (2024)

Involvement outside Bayview Glen:

Camp Counsellor (2023); Receptionist at Forest Hill Nail Salon (2022-2023); Piano (2013-present)

Leadership roles:

Leading Sick Kids Initiative to fundraise in Prep School (2023);

Community service:

St. Michael's Hospital volunteer role (2023 and 2024) Beth Sholom Synagogue volunteer role (2022, 2023)

Awards, membership(s)/outside of school, etc:

Honour Roll (2022-2023)

Leadership Vision:

My leadership vision for Bayview Glen is to bring the community together through various outreach events that focus on giving to others in need. In particular, I am a big believer in finding charities that touch the hearts of BVG students and make us want to give in whatever form we can. I was incredibly moved to experience how the BVG Prep School united last year in support of the Hospital for Sick Kids when I launched the first-ever fundraiser that resulted in an enormous donation of necessary items to the hospital. Being the Co-Head of Community Outreach is a unique opportunity to find more charitable causes that will bring together the Upper School to enrich our community.